Monday 3 December 2012

How much a Knight ?

After the Christian curs had fled from the presence of our Serene Highness Suleiman Beg Famore the Magnificent, we realised that one remained in our power - no less than their Lord and Commander !
Here he is shortly after his capture, still armed but flanked by His Serene Highness and his Imperial Standard Bearer.
And here he is on the ramparts of one of His Highness's palaces being entertained by Court Viziers and the Sultan's Chief Executioner, Igor Anekkoff.
We feel sure that the Christian monarchs who dispatched this wretch to offend His Serene Highness will wish to spare their Lord of this grizzly fate.
If we receive the sum of 500,000 ducats at The Imperial Court before the end of your Christian year, his life will be spared and he will be released into the hands of your representatives bearing the gold.
A very reasonable gesture on the part of His Serene Highness, we are sure you will agree.
May Allah guide your decision ... 

1 comment:

  1. I just checked my wallet. I've got 39 cents and a bus token. Tell me where to send it, mabe HSH will accept that as a downpayment on this brave lord's life.


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